„Palästinenserpräsident“ Abu Mazen beweist immer wieder, daß er ein überaus verläßlicher Verhandlungs- und möglicher Friedenspartner ist:
„In a television interview, Abbas said that if Israel failed to halt settlement building and U.S.-backed peace negotiations broke down, he would press for an end to the limited Palestinian self-rule in occupied territory. [..]
Pressed by his questioner if he meant he would dissolve the Palestinian Authority, he replied: ‚I am telling them so. I say to them welcome … you are occupiers. You are here, stay here, I cannot accept the situation will remain as is.'“
„‚However, if negotiations end with failure, then we have five or six options including, particularly, the recognition of Palestine by other world states,‘ Abbas added, in remarks translated from Arabic to Turkish by an interpreter. The Palestinian leader cited Brazil’s recent recognition of the state of Palestine based on the borders before Israel seized control of the West Bank in 1967 and Argentina’s declaration of intention to do the same thing.“
Dafür, finden wir, hat er einen Friedensnobelpreis verdient.